Captivates Crossword: A Popular Puzzle for Word Enthusiasts

Crossword puzzles have been a beloved pastime for decades, challenging and entertaining millions of people with their unique blend of vocabulary, logic, and trivia. Among the many clues that puzzle solvers encounter, “Captivates” is one that often appears, sparking curiosity and sometimes a bit of frustration. In this article, we’ll explore the significance of the “Captivates crossword clue, why it’s popular, and how to approach solving it.

What Does “Captivates” Mean in Crossword Puzzles?

In crossword puzzles, the clue “Captivates” typically refers to a word or phrase that describes the act of grabbing or holding someone’s attention. The word is often synonymous with terms like “charms,” “fascinates,” “enthralls,” or “enchants.”

When faced with this clue, solvers must think of words that convey the idea of capturing interest or engaging someone deeply. The challenge lies in finding the exact word that fits both the definition and the number of letters required by the puzzle.

Common Answers to “Captivates”

Over the years, several words have become standard answers to the “Captivates” clue in crosswords. Some of the most common ones include:

  1. Enthralls (9 letters): A word that means to hold someone spellbound or to captivate intensely.
  2. Charms (6 letters): Suggests a delightful or pleasing attraction that captivates or enchants.
  3. Mesmerizes (10 letters): Implies hypnotizing or holding someone’s attention completely.
  4. Engages (7 letters): Means to capture or hold attention, often through interest or intrigue.
  5. Fascinates (10 letters): Conveys a strong attraction or interest that captivates someone’s attention.

The exact answer will depend on the crossword’s layout, the number of letters, and any intersecting words that provide additional clues.

Tips for Solving the “Captivates” Clue

  1. Consider Synonyms: Start by brainstorming synonyms for “captivates.” Think about words that reflect the act of drawing someone’s attention or interest.
  2. Count the Letters: Use the number of letters in the answer to narrow down your options. If the puzzle is well-constructed, the word length can help you eliminate unlikely choices.
  3. Look for Intersecting Words: Crosswords are designed so that many words intersect with one another. Fill in the easier clues first, as the letters they provide can guide you to the correct answer for “Captivates.”
  4. Think About Context: Sometimes the theme of the crossword or the surrounding clues can give you a hint about the correct answer. For example, if the puzzle has a theme related to magic or attraction, words like “charms” or “mesmerizes” might be more appropriate.
  5. Use Online Resources: If you’re stuck, online crossword solvers can be a helpful tool. They allow you to input the letters you know and suggest possible answers based on those inputs.

Why “Captivates” Is a Popular Clue

The “Captivates” clue is popular in crossword puzzles because it is both versatile and challenging. It taps into a range of vocabulary words, from common terms to more sophisticated choices, making it suitable for puzzles of varying difficulty levels. Moreover, because “captivates” can be expressed in several different ways, it keeps solvers on their toes, requiring both knowledge and creativity to solve.

Crossword constructors appreciate the word because it lends itself to interesting and engaging puzzles. Its multiple synonyms and the range of possible answers mean that it can be used in various puzzle themes, adding an element of surprise and satisfaction when solvers crack the clue.


The “Captivates” crossword clue is a prime example of the cleverness and challenge that make crosswords such a beloved pastime. Whether you’re a seasoned solver or a casual player, encountering this clue provides an opportunity to test your vocabulary and problem-solving skills. By considering synonyms, paying attention to the letter count, and using intersecting words to your advantage, you can unlock the answer and continue your journey through the puzzle. So, the next time you see “Captivates” in a crossword, you’ll be well-prepared to crack the code and experience the thrill of solving it.

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